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Get Story by ID

GET /stories/:id

The Get Story by ID endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific story based on its unique identifier. This includes the story’s title, publication date, full text, and YouTube video ID.


  • id (string): The unique identifier of the story you want to retrieve.

Example Request

You can make a request using any HTTP client, such as curl or Postman. Replace :id with the actual story ID.

Terminal window
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/stories/1

Example Response

A successful response will return a single story object structured as follows:

"id": 1,
"title": "يا قاتل الروح",
"date": "2024-10-22",
"story": "قالك في قديم الزمان فمّا راجل يعيش هو و زوجته في كوخ في القرية ...",
"youtubeId": "Bj-LeBk8p-E"


If the story with the specified ID does not exist, the API may return a 404 Not Found status with a message indicating that the story was not found.